Capturing omni-directional stereoscopic spherical projections with a single camera
Paul Bourke
Published in the Proceedings 2010 16th International Conference on Virtual
Systems and Multimedia. ISBN: 978-1-4244-9025-7, pp 179-183.
Presented at VSMM 2010. Seoul, South Korea. Oct 2010.
The following will discuss the photographic capture of omni-directional stereoscopic
spherical projections, that is, a means of creating stereoscopic spherical projections
that can be experienced by a single viewer without the need for head tracking or by a
larger audience all of whom may be looking in different directions. We will illustrate a
means of photographically capturing such stereoscopic image pairs using a single
camera and fisheye lens. The principles behind this technique have previously been
applied to computer generated stereoscopic spherical projections [1], a simpler situation
due to the greater flexibility of virtual cameras. Applications of these omni-directional
stereoscopic spherical projections include general virtual reality environments, the
increasing number of stereo capable digital planetariums, and a personal hemispherical
immersive projection system known as the iDome [2].
Stereoscopy, panorama, fisheye, planetarium, iDome, immersion, virtual reality
Paper and
presentation sides.