Volume Visualisation for Educational Content Creation

Paul Bourke
WASP/iVEC, University of Western Australia, WA 6009 Australia.

Location: Centre for Learning Technologies, UWA, 8th Feb 2010.


This seminar is aimed at those who may be creating 3D models for teaching purposes and who may not be familiar with the opportunities volumetric datasets may offer. Volumetric datasets can now be found in most science disciplines, this includes 3D scans (MRI, CT, CAT, etc) as well as the output from many simulation sciences. If a volumetric representation is available then creating educational images or animations can be significantly less time consuming than manually creating 3D representations by other means. In this seminar the fundamentals of volumetric datasets will be introduced followed by a discussion of how they can be visualised and presented in engaging ways. Live demonstrations will be given based upon a very accessible volume visualisation package called Drishti.


Visualisation a liver, courtesy Ajay Limaye (ANU).

Cosmology: simulation of the large scale structure of the universe

PDF Presentation slides: volvis.pdf