qwViz: visualisation of quantum walks on graphs

Computer Physics Communications. Elsevier, ISSN 0010-4655. Volume 182, Issue 10, pp 2295-2302, October 2011.
Doi: 10.1016/j.cpc.2011.06.002

Scott D. Berrya, Paul Bourkeb, Jingbo B. Wanga

aSchool of Physics, The University of Western Australia, Crawley 6009.
biVEC at The University of Western Australia, Crawley 6009.


qwViz is a software package for interactive visualisation of the time-evolution of quantum walks on arbitrarily complex graphs. The package is written in C and uses OpenGL to generate graphics in real-time. The qwViz package can be used to directly simulate discrete-time quantum walks on undirected graphs when provided with the adjacency matrix of the graph. Various aspects of the visualisation can be customised and manipulated in real-time, allowing quantum walk dynamics to be probed at various length and time scales. For more advanced research, qwViz can also be used to visualise externally generated quantum walk data written in an XML-based file format (QWML).

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