Figure 8
Predicted relationships between singularities and CO blobs at different retinotopic locations for the macaque.
A. A set of oriented lines which pass over the centre of the fovea (left) will create a local supragranular map, located in the foveal region of V1 (top), in which the singularity and CO blob coincide (right).
B. A set of oriented lines which miss the fovea (left) will create a local supragranular map, located in the parafoveal region of V1 (top), in which the singularity and CO blob do not coincide (right).
Note: Since these diagrams are predictions for the macaque, each of coloured rays projected onto the hemi-retina represents the set of moving oriented lines which are orthogonal to that ray and which will pass over the point of convergence of the rays. One such moving line is illustrated by the small purple bar and arrow.