Welch --
Bartlett --
Hanning/Hamming --
Written by Paul Bourke
August 1998
The Welch window for N points is defined as
where 0 <= i < N
Centered around 0 this looks like
Commonly used as a window for power spectral estimation.
The magnitude response is

Bartlett window
Also known simply as the Triangular window
The Bartlett window of width N is defined as
The function is simply
The frequency response is sinc2 (a triangle is the convolution
of two square windows so the convolution is the product of two sinc functions).
Hanning/Hamming window
Also known as the raised cosine window
The Hanning window for N points is defined as
where -N/2 <= i < N/2
The Hamming window is

These are specific examples from a general family of curves of
the form
w(i) = a + (1 - a) cos(2 pi i / N)
The magnitude response is

Shown below is the surface generated in Mathematica of the above
function varying the parameter "a".

Kaiser-Bessel window
The Kaiser or Kaiser-Bessel window is an approximation to a restricted
time duration function with minimum energy outside some specified band.
In the discrete case it is defined as

where N is the window width, B is half the time-bandwidth product. B
determines the trade-off between the magnitude of the side-lobes and the energy
in the main lobe and is often specified as a half integer multiple of pi.
Io is the zero order modified Bessel function of the first kind, a series
expansion of which is:
The expansion to 20 decimal places is
Analytic forms of the spectrum are not available but it can be shown that
the frequency spectrum in the continuous case is proportional to:
where wb is the width of the central lobe.
Example curves for different values of B
Using Mathematics a surface plot showing the window as a function
of B.