Artforms of Nature: A new way of seeing

Part of the ASTC (Association of Science and Technology Centers)
Fulldome Video Showcase by E&S Spitz Inc.
October 2008


Volume visualisation / animation: Ajay Limaye (VizLab, Australian National University).
Music and commentary: Peter Morse
Fisheye rendering and postproduction: Paul Bourke (WASP, University of Western Australia)
Datasets: Tim Sendon and Gavin Young (Australian National University)

Length: 3 min 20 sec
Frames: Fisheye projections, 3600 x 3600 pixels at 30 fps.
Rendering: Drishti.

MP4 download: Artforms.mp4

Sample frames

Rabbit liver lobe (Courtesy Tim Senden, ANU).

Common garden skink (Courtesy Tim Senden, ANU).

Eyeball of a 410 million years old fossil fish [Placoderm] (Courtesy Gavin Young, ANU).