HDF ToolsCompiled by Paul BourkeNov 2010
The following is some (brief) documentation on HDF tools prepared to handle volumetric data stored as a number of slices in HDF format. If any of the following is not clear please feel free to ask for assistance/enlightenment. Note that the tools here make many assumptions of the particular data files and problem at hand, if you need more generality of additional capabilities/features then just ask. The various output volumetric files created here are formatted as per the Drishti raw format. This consists of a short header followed by the binary data. The header consists of a single byte indicating the volume data size (0 for unsigned byte, and 8 for float), followed by 3 integers (4 bytes each) indicating the volume dimensions (x,y,z). Following this is the volume data in the data format as indicated and arranged as z slices, y columns, and finally x varies the fastest. The output for the sub-sampling tools uses floats, unsigned chars are used for the threshold data. If using software that doesn't know how to read the raw data, there are 13 bytes to skip over to ignore the header. Notes
hdf2rawThis takes the list of HDF files and generates a single raw binary file of the volume. The sub-sampling is performed by simply sampling at a lower resolution. Intended mainly as a quick checking tool. Usage: hdf2raw [options] nx ny nz hdf_file_mask The volume is expected to be nx by ny by nz. Where the input HDF files are images in nx by ny. And nz slices, numbering from 0 upwards. The hdf_file_mask is a C style descriptor. For example A01/rec_E06ty_%05d.hdf would identify hdf files in a directory called "A01" with names rec_E06ty_00000.hdf, rec_E06ty_00001.hdf, ... etc Options: -s n degree of sub-sampling (default: 1 = none) -v enable verbose mode
hdfsubsampleSame functionality as hdf2raw but this averages the sub-sampled blocks, a simple bx filter is used. This is mainly aimed at a means of taking the raw volumetric data into other volume visualisation packages that expect a single binary volumetric data file. Usage: hdfsubsample [options] nx ny nz hdf_file_mask The volume is expected to be nx by ny by nz. Where the input HDF files are images in nx by ny. And nz slices, numbering from z0 upwards. The hdf_file_mask is a C style descriptor. For example A01/rec_E06ty_%05d.hdf would identify hdf files in a directory called "A01" with names rec_E06ty_00000.hdf, rec_E06ty_00001.hdf, ... etc Options: -s n degree of sub-sampling (default: 4) -z0 n index of first slice (default: 0)
hdfextractThis tool does a variety of things, but the main ones are extracting a sub-volume and performing a threshold operation. The sub-volume is defined by the origin and dimensions on each axis, noting that they may be different. The thresholded dataset is one where the resulting voxels are 0 if the source voxel is outside the threshold range and 1 if it is within the threshold range. The normalisation, if chosen, determines the global range of the source volume and scales the range of each slice so it has the same range. Usage: hdfextract [options] nx ny nz hdf_file_mask The volume is expected to be nx by ny by nz. Where the input HDF files are images in nx by ny. And nz slices. The hdf_file_mask is a C style descriptor. For example A01/rec_E06ty_%05d.hdf would identify hdf files in a directory called "A01" with names rec_E06ty_00000.hdf, rec_E06ty_00001.hdf, ... etc Options: -t1 n set the lower threshold value (default: 0) -t2 n optionally set the upper threshold value (default: 1e+32) -dx n size in x dimension of the subvolume (default: 128) -dy n size in y dimension of the subvolume (default: 128) -dz n size in z dimension of the subvolume (default: 128) -s n set size in all dimensions of the subvolume (default: 128) -o n n n origin of subvolume (default: 0 0 0) -n v1 v2 normalise the global range to a chosen range v1 to v2 (default: off) -v enable verbose mode
hdfinfoGenerates statistics (range, mean, standard deviation, histograms....) of the sequence of HDR files. Intended to give a quick snapshot of the volume slices and to ensure all files are valid. Usage: hdfinfo [options] nx ny nz hdf_file_mask The volume is expected to be nx by ny by nz. Where the input HDF files are images in nx by ny. And nz slices, numbering from 0 upwards. The hdf_file_mask is a C style descriptor. For example A01/rec_E06ty_%05d.hdf would identify hdf files in a directory called "A01" with names rec_E06ty_00000.hdf, rec_E06ty_00001.hdf, ... etc
Source codeThe HDF code used in these utilities is quite targeted to the files in question, it is provided here for reference: readhdf.c and readhdf.h. |